Thursday 26 March 2009

What is Christianity?

Christ was Jewish, Christianity is reformed Judaism, Islam is reformed Christianity/Judaism Religion is basically a form of collective hysteria and ideology where people blame a single deity (point of focus) for everything. Basically, God was created by man. BTW, Satan is by far the coolest by-product. Christ would have looked more like Yasser Arafat than Anthony Powell. Matthew's gospel states that Judas (don't get me started on him) had to point Christ out to the Romans - not very likely if Christ was a WASP (White Anglo Saxon Protestant - as all Americans know he is - according to them he also spoke English and was 6 feet tall, not a short-arsed Palestinian peasant). Also, why is there a grave in India stating to be Christ's last resting-place? The legend of the short-arsed Palestinian peasant with views spread to India and there are many stories supporting this. Resurrection then flight into Heaven? Aye, right. He was cut down when still alive from the cross then travelled (once recovered) to the east to spread the word of peace. He was a short-arsed Palestinian peasant with good ideas idolised by by a collection of peasant fishermen at a time when Judea was screaming out for a figurehead to concentrate their hopes on (Messiah) against an occupying force. A messiah is a figurehead who predicts and precedes the coming of 'God'. He went into the desert for 40 days and 'battled the devil'. Well, if you spend 40 days without food and minimal water, wouldn't you be tripping too? I'd be fighting Megatron, Micky Mouse and Barney! Religion is an excuse for people to gain power and ensnare a community's hearts and minds with ridiculous stories with flimsy evidence of a single all-powerful being that not only created them, but also controls them. Evolution not only involves natural selection and mutation, it also involves religion - look at Scientology. The problem is, "Does God exist?" In actuality, it depends on who you ask. Scientific evidence suggests that, no, there is no deity that created everything. But, what was there before the Big Bang? The creationists state that dinosaur fossils are there as the result of The Flood, where the undesired animals were buried under layers of sediment. The legend of the flood was based on the Persian king Gilgamesh and his exploration of the Mediterranean! The creationist point of view is that the world (...) was created almost 6000 years ago. If that's the case, then physics is a false science. If that's the case, then electricity doesn't exist, we don't have gravity and there is no friction (try telling that to a fundaMENTALIST Christian Minister when he's buggering another male prostitute). Oh, and Scara Brae does not exist either. It is only a settlement from more than 10,000 years ago in Scotland but it cannot exist since Chritianity state that it does not! Ok, another point, well another two... 1. Mitochondrial DNA 2. Mitochondria Ok, the answers? God is a human-made anthropomorphisational excuse for things that couldn't be explained. Abraham defined the tenets of a monotheistic religion, probably as an excuse for the attempted murder of his son. The idea of being unclean was very relevant at the time. Pork as a raw meat perishes very quickly and may have always been rotten. Leviticus is a statement of law (now called Canonical Law) that is used as a basis of statutes used in international law. I hope this may settle any argument.

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